$297.00 USD

🌟 Leading Lightly Leadership Program Presale!🌟Everything you need in your year of leadership

🌟 Unlock Your Leadership Potential with Leading Lightly! đźŚź

Are you ready to elevate your leadership game? Look no further! At Leading Lightly, we’re committed to simplifying leadership and empowering emerging leaders like you. Let’s dive into what awaits you:

  1. Essential Lessons: Discover the crucial insights that seasoned leaders have learned and successfully applied. These gems are tailored to leaders just like you, ensuring you’re equipped to tackle real-world challenges.

  2. Flexible Learning: We get it—life is busy! That’s why our course offers on-demand learning. Whether you need a quick refresher or want to immerse yourself fully, the choice is yours. Learn at your own pace, apply immediately, or savor the entire course—it’s all up to you.

  3. Decades of Wisdom: Imagine having 17 years of leadership experience and 7 years of leadership-related education right at your fingertips. Our founder, Kurt Kinnear, has weathered leadership storms, navigated uncharted waters, grown organizations, and emerged stronger. Now, he’s sharing his hard-earned wisdom with you. Years of experience at your fingertips.

  4. Your Go-To Resource: As a leader, you need tools that work when you need them. Our course becomes your trusty companion—a resource you can access anytime, anywhere. Whether you’re facing a tough decision, seeking inspiration, or fine-tuning your leadership skills, Leading Lightly has your back.

  5. Satisfaction Guaranteed: We stand by our promise. If you’re not thrilled with your purchase within the first 30 days, no worries! We offer a no-questions-asked refund. Your satisfaction is our priority.

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Meet Kurt Kinnear, our visionary founder. With nearly 2 decades of senior leadership experience, Kurt knows the ropes. He’s received accolades, including the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal for contributions to Alberta. His mission? To empower you, lighten your leadership load, and guide you toward impactful practices.

Testimonials speak volumes:

“In a uniquely authentic manner, Kurt demonstrates how adopting leadership principles can influence personal and organizational results. His advice allowed me to embrace challenges and meet them head-on. If I hadn’t met Kurt, I cannot honestly say that we would still be open today.” — Jacqueline H., CEO

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